Laundry room, 71OP.
Laundry room, 71OP.
In Montreal, at Bruno's watching Barcelona play
In Montreal, at Bruno's watching Barcelona play
At the Adirondack, with martinis.
At the Adirondack, with martinis.
Stephen reading the NY Times at 71OP.
Stephen reading the NY Times at 71OP.
Martinis at the Adirondack.
Martinis at the Adirondack.
Portable studio at 71OP.
Portable studio at 71OP.
Cardiology waiting room, Lenox Hill Hospital.
Cardiology waiting room, Lenox Hill Hospital.
At Hinterlands, Kensington, Brooklyn.
At Hinterlands, Kensington, Brooklyn.
Corner, Caton Place and Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn. December 2, 2021.
Corner, Caton Place and Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn. December 2, 2021.
Laundry room, 71OP.
In Montreal, at Bruno's watching Barcelona play
At the Adirondack, with martinis.
Stephen reading the NY Times at 71OP.
Martinis at the Adirondack.
Portable studio at 71OP.
Cardiology waiting room, Lenox Hill Hospital.
At Hinterlands, Kensington, Brooklyn.
Corner, Caton Place and Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn. December 2, 2021.
Laundry room, 71OP.
In Montreal, at Bruno's watching Barcelona play
At the Adirondack, with martinis.
Stephen reading the NY Times at 71OP.
Martinis at the Adirondack.
Portable studio at 71OP.
Cardiology waiting room, Lenox Hill Hospital.
At Hinterlands, Kensington, Brooklyn.
Corner, Caton Place and Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn. December 2, 2021.
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